
Showing posts from July, 2022

What are symptoms of Glaucoma?

  Open-angle glaucoma  is asymptomatic. It develops slowly and sometimes without noticeable sight loss for many years. Most people who have open-angle glaucoma feel fine because the initial loss of vision is of side or peripheral vision, and the visual acuity or sharpness of vision is maintained. As open-angle  glaucoma  has few warning signs or symptoms before damage has occurred, it is recommended to see a doctor for regular eye examinations. In  open-angle glaucoma , the angles in your eye are normal, but the eye’s drainage canals become clogged over time, causing an increase in internal eye pressure and subsequent damage to the optic nerve. In Angle-closure glaucoma  (also called narrow angle glaucoma) the angle is closed, causing increased eye pressure, which leads to optic nerve damage, and possible vision loss. There is an acute attack of angle closure leading to noticeable symptoms and damage occurs quickly. If you experience any of these symptoms, seek immediate care from an 

Symptoms of Corneal Conditions

  Minor injuries of cornea heal by itself while major injuries may result in scarring and impaired vision. Intense pain. Blurred vision. Double vision Tearing. Redness. Extreme sensitivity to light.  Corneal conditions:  Injuries/Trauma Eye allergies Keratitis. Ocular herpes Herpes zoster (shingles) Dry eye . Nutritional Deficiencies like Vitamin A Corneal dystrophies –   Keratoconus, Map-dot-fingerprint dystrophy, Fuch's dystrophy Common diseases that can affect the cornea — Abnormal growths, autoimmune diseases, Stevens - Johnson syndrome, iridocorneal endothelial syndrome and pterygium. Dr. Jatin Ashar Eye Specialist In Ghatkopar East and West     Director and Chief Operating Surgeon MD (AIIMS), DNB, FICO (UK),         FAICO & a fellow of L V Prasad Eye Institute Cataract, Cornea and          Refractive surgery specialist Soft-spoken, compassionate and an intellectual man, Dr. Ashar trained at the prestigious ‘All India Institute of Medical Sciences’, New Delhi; one of Asia’

Who can undergo Lasik Eye surgery?

  A complete eye examination is done by your doctor to check for stability of your eyes. Medical history of medications like Prednisone, cardarone, Accutane and imitrax contradicts  Lasik Eye Surgery . Some conditions having hormonal changes like pregnancy also makes your eyes measurements different. Various tests are done to measure the curvature of the cornea, the size of the pupils in light and dark, the eyes' refractive error, and the thickness of the cornea (to make sure you will have enough corneal tissue left after surgery). A written consent is taken before the procedure. This consent confirms that you know the procedure's risks, benefits, alternative options, and possible complications. An ideal candidate for  Lasik Eye Surgery  would be 18 years and above, does not have any accompanying autoimmune diseases, no hormonal issues and free from eye diseases like  Dye eye, Cataract or Glucoma . Dr. Jatin Ashar Eye Specialist In Ghatkopar East and West     Director and Chief

Why we need Lasik?

  Eye is a complex structure having Cornea (the clear covering on the front of the eye), Iris, Pupil and Retina being important components for vision. For clear vision, the eye’s cornea has to be in right shape, as cornea being the transparent structure of the eye, refracts the light on the retina to form an image. Sometime patients complain of blurry image is referred as a "refractive error." It is caused by a mismatch between the shape of the cornea (curvature) and the length of the eye.  Common eye defects are: 1. Myopia (nearsightedness) 2. Hyperopia (farsightedness) 3. Astigmatism. Dr. Jatin Ashar Eye Specialist In Ghatkopar East and West     Director and Chief Operating Surgeon MD (AIIMS), DNB, FICO (UK),            FAICO & a fellow of L V Prasad Eye Institute Cataract, Cornea and              Refractive surgery specialist Soft-spoken, compassionate and an intellectual man, Dr. Ashar trained at the prestigious ‘All India Institute of Medical Sciences’, New Delhi; on

Bladeless Cataract Surgery

  Bladeless Cataract Surgery Cataract surgery at Mumbai Eye Care, Ghatkopar, is performed using the latest robotic technology which is completely bladeless and with ultrafine precision using the  FEMTOSECOND LENSX LASER, ALCON, USA . This is an US FDA approved laser cataract surgery performed by our eye doctors and  eye surgeon at Ghatkopar , Mumbai. This ensures complete blade free surgery, with high level of precision and excellent visual results. This technology makes the surgery very safe and reduces the chances of any complications to negligible. How the Femtosecond Laser Works Femtosecond laser performs most of the steps of  cataract surgery  that are otherwise performed using hand, thus decreasing the chances of human error and improves the precision. Femtosecond LASER  makes the cuts or incision on the cornea that were traditionally performed using blade. These incision are perfectly self sealing and thus do not need any sutures and heal rapidly. The capsulorrhexis can be alter

Cataract Treatment in Ghatkopar

  Cataract develops as a result of thickened eye lens and treatment is to replace faulty lens with a new lens.   Cataract removal   is a routine treatment procedure at opthalomogist clinic and carried out across the globe with rarely any accompanying complications. To prepare you for surgery, your doctor calls you for eye checkup (a week before), to choose which eye lens is best for you. On the day of surgery, it’s recommended not to eat for 12 hours before surgery. Dr. Jatin Ashar Eye Specialist In Ghatkopar East and West       Director and Chief Operating Surgeon MD (AIIMS), DNB, FICO (UK),            FAICO & a fellow of L V Prasad Eye Institute Cataract, Cornea and           Refractive surgery specialist Soft-spoken, compassionate and an intellectual man, Dr. Ashar trained at the prestigious ‘All India Institute of Medical Sciences’, New Delhi; one of Asia’s best! After his post-graduation, he completed his fellowship in Cornea and Anterior Segment from the world renowned L. V.

Symptoms of Cataract

      Ask yourself few questions Do you feel difficulty in seeing at night? Is reading or watching television becoming difficult for you? Driving at night or seeing in bright light has become difficult? Do you need assistance for finding ways while walking, cooking, shopping or daily activities of your visi Are you opting for alternate ways to substitute your vision problems? Glare or sensitivity to light is another  symptom of cataract . Diplopia or double vision is also seen in cataract patients. It also affects color vision, leading to yellowish or brownish tint to your eyesight. Patients often need frequent changes in their eyeglasses. Dr. Jatin Ashar Eye Specialist In Ghatkopar East and West       Director and Chief Operating Surgeon MD (AIIMS), DNB, FICO (UK),            FAICO & a fellow of L V Prasad Eye Institute Cataract, Cornea and           Refractive surgery specialist Soft-spoken, compassionate and an intellectual man, Dr. Ashar trained at the prestigious ‘All India In

Causes of Cataract?

Cataract  can be seen in children as a hereditary defect, while eye trauma, smoking, diabetes, excessive use of alcohol, prolonged exposure of sunlight or ultraviolet rays, extended use of corticosteroids are few causes of cataract occurring in elderly people.   Dr. Jatin Ashar Eye Specialist In Ghatkopar East and West     Director and Chief Operating Surgeon MD (AIIMS), DNB, FICO (UK),            FAICO & a fellow of L V Prasad Eye Institute Cataract, Cornea and              Refractive surgery specialist Soft-spoken, compassionate and an intellectual man, Dr. Ashar trained at the prestigious ‘All India Institute of Medical Sciences’, New Delhi; one of Asia’s best! After his post-graduation, he completed his fellowship in Cornea and Anterior Segment from the world renowned L. V. Prasad Eye Institute. Later on, he was appointed as the main cornea consultant at the ‘New Tertiary Care Center’ at the same institute. Specialties:  Cataract, Cornea, Lasik and Refractive Surgery Specialist

What is Cataract?

  Cataract is progressive in nature and develops with time you grow older.  Cataract  affects most of people and becomes prominent with age. It can be described as blurry, cloudy or opaque vision. Natural eye lens focuses light on the retina to form clear and undistorted image. Clouding of this lens results in blurred and distorted image. It commonly affects both eyes but in few cases one eye cataract might advances rapidly. If not treated on time, may result is complete loss of sight. Dr. Jatin Ashar Eye Specialist In Ghatkopar East and West     Director and Chief Operating Surgeon MD (AIIMS), DNB, FICO (UK),            FAICO & a fellow of L V Prasad Eye Institute Cataract, Cornea and              Refractive surgery specialist Soft-spoken, compassionate and an intellectual man, Dr. Ashar trained at the prestigious ‘All India Institute of Medical Sciences’, New Delhi; one of Asia’s best! After his post-graduation, he completed his fellowship in Cornea and Anterior Segment from the

Mumbai Eye Care Unveils The Bladeless Cataract Surgery

Mumbai Eye Care launched the bladeless cataract surgery. This surgery uses advanced laser technology that gives ultra-fine precision operation, which improves the surgery safety. Mumbai Eye Care, the top  eye clinic in Ghatkopar , always added new and upgraded technology to its eye treatment service. The latest one is this clinic launched the bladeless cataract surgery treatment using Femtosecond LensX Laser, which is approved by the US FDA. This laser is the most advanced laser technology for eye surgery today. As its name implies, the surgeon won’t be using a blade to operate the cataract problem, which reduces the risk of complications. It is also very safe because of its high precision. Moreover, the incision on the cataract part is also very thin, increasing the healing and recovery speed. This new cataract treatment will also be conducted by Dr. Jatin Ashar, the eye specialist in this clinic. Speaking about Dr. Jatin Ashar, he is an experienced and skilful  eye specialist in Ghat

Can Diabetes affect My Eyes? - Mumbaieyecare

Diabetes is a multi-organ disease and our eye is one of the organs affected. Diabetes is a complex metabolic condition in which body either can’t produce insulin, or can’t use insulin efficiency. Insulin helps in breaking down food in simple sugars and delivers it to cells throughout your body for energy. The amount of sugar in your blood builds up if you don’t have enough insulin to break it down, is known as hyperglycemia. While low blood sugar is known as hypoglycemia. If diabetes is undiagnosed or left untreated, it can cause damage your eyes that can lead to poor vision or even blindness. But you can take steps to prevent diabetic eye diseases, or keep it from getting worse, by taking care of your diabetes. Simple ways to manage your diabetes are: Monitor blood glucose, blood pressure, and cholesterol. Increase physical activity, like brisk walking, jogging and yoga Consult your eye doctor for a dilated eye exam once a year Common eye conditions associated with diabetes are: Catar

Excessive Blinking Treatment by Dr. Jatin Ashar - Mumbaieyecare

Excessive Blinking Overview Blinking is an automated reflex of the body. It occurs automatically, but you can also control it. You can blink when you want to. When you blink more than usual, then it is termed excessive blinking. For example, we blink more while talking and when we are nervous or in pain. Opposite to this, we blink less when we sense danger or when we are reading. Babies and children blink only two times per minute, but they blink about 14 to 17 times per minute when reaching adolescence age. It remains constant until you have an eye condition that could increase the blinking frequency. What Is Excessive Blinking? Excessive blinking is referred to a condition in which you blink more than you want to blink. Several things can act as a trigger and can cause excessive blinking. The most common cause in adults is the problem related to the surface of the eye. Excessive blinking might be irritating but rarely can cause any serious issues. Serious issues are caused only when